Monday, February 2, 2015

[ ⊙ ω ⊙ ] looking at art in nyc

"Untitled", created by Laura Owens.
Created usign acrylic, silkscreen inks, Flashe, oil, and gesso on linen.

  1. This artwork was from the MoMa.  Around this piece, there are some more abstract, but simple types of work from various artists.  The pieces ranged from containing only a couple colors to a wide variety.
  2. I really liked how this piece was similar to a children's storybook since it had some fairytale elements in it.  Also, the background of the piece is lined paper that children use to learn the alphabet.  However, the story itself was a little dark (for Children) and the appearance of this piece is a little... mismatched, I would say.
  3. Laura Owens, the artist of this piece, was born in 1970 and is American.  Other than that, I do not know much about her.


  1. I like how you comment about the way the artist made her work to the meaning she was trying to show. I wouldn't have connected the child like work to that of a fairytale. Very insightful!! and nice choice of art!

  2. This piece is interesting, I think I'd actually seen a photo of a it a few days before and it caught my attention. I think you're right in that it does seem a little dark for something that is seemingly written in the voice of a child but it also seems to have an element of humor to it. I'd like to see this in person myself!

  3. Adding onto Alice, I like the connection you made to fairytale. II actually didn't notice the content of the artwork until you pointed out. Nice observations.

  4. Haha, I love this piece! I thought it was more interesting than the magazine like piece right across from it... even though they had the same exact style o.o If that makes any sense at all. Also, I don't know if you understood everything (because I didn't)... Or I guess it works with the idea that a child could have made this... Since, who knows how little kids think, lol.

  5. Hi deer, I DID THE SAME ONE. DIES IN CORNER. I also liked that piece. It correlates to the current graphic design topic we are doing at the moment.

  6. Any comment about the incorrect words? Why are some letters omitted>?
