Wednesday, February 25, 2015

[ ◕ ◡ ◕ ] mid-winter break

Over mid-winter break, I was so unproductive in terms of homework, but I managed to spend a lot of time with my friends.  I celebrated my friend's birthday at Favor Taste 99 last Friday and it was slightly insane since we sat there eating for almost four hours straight.  I'm pretty sure we were the loudest table there, actually.  On Monday, I went clothes shopping with my friends, which I haven't done in a long time.  I still can't believe we shopped from 10AM to 6:30PM... My feet were screaming "RIP RIP RIP" after that.  I went bowling on Tuesday night and had Thai food for dinner with friends.  As for the rest of break, I stayed up almost every night talking.  I had so much fun during break that I really can't wait for spring break.

Scoreboard for the first bowling game hahaha. I came in third!


  1. You got a strike?!! That's impressive. I was on a bowling team in 3rd grade and I'm not going to lie, I played better than the highest scorer. Even though it looks like I'm bragging, you now know that I was on once on a bowling team.

    1. LOL first and last time for a strike probably! But hey, that's actually so cool!
